Sunday, June 28, 2020

Correction: new oldest photo

In digging through old and new family photos, I found a forgotten tintype today. At least 20 years ago my dad named the photo's subjects. The label is in my own handwriting. There's really no other way of verifying his identifications than to say that he was an extremely (extremely) precise man, and he always identified these subjects with these names. And so awaiting further proof, I must conclude that these photos are:

Susan Marie Best and William Collins Purdy II

And as the subjects are much younger than the first photo I have published, though it's new to this blog, it's the oldest one I have of them.

Here it is:

Note the curtain backdrop and the two chairs. Very typical of an itinerant photographer.

I scanned this at 1200 ppl for lots of detail, which doesn't show up here.

Though I'm anxious to dig into this photo a bit more, other duties are calling. So I'll catch you later. Y'all come back now, hear?

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